10 High-Protein Foods You Should Be Eating to Lose Belly Fat Fast

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1. Chicken Breast: Lean protein source, low in calories, supports muscle growth, and aids fat loss.

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2. Greek Yogurt: Rich in protein and probiotics, promotes digestion and helps control appetite.

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3. Eggs: High-quality protein, rich in nutrients, and boosts metabolism when eaten for breakfast.

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4. Salmon: Packed with protein and healthy fats like omega-3s, aids in reducing inflammation.

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5. Beans and Legumes: Plant-based protein, high fiber content promotes fullness and stabilizes blood sugar.

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6. Lean Beef: Protein and iron source, supports muscle building and helps in burning calories.

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7. Cottage Cheese: Slow-digesting protein, low in carbs, beneficial for prolonged fullness.

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8. Tofu: Plant-based protein, suitable for vegans, assists in managing weight and hunger.

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9. Quinoa: Protein-rich grain, contains essential amino acids, and provides fiber for satiety.

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10. Turkey: Lean protein choice, aids in muscle preservation while cutting calories for fat loss.

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