7 Pool Exercises To Burn Calories And Lose Weight

White Scribbled Underline

Pool exercises can be an excellent way to burn calories and lose weight while enjoying a refreshing workout in the water.

White Scribbled Underline

1. Pool exercises can be an excellent way to burn calories and lose weight while enjoying a refreshing workout in the water.

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2. Water Jogging: Jog in place in the pool to burn calories and improve cardiovascular fitness with low impact.

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3. Water Aerobics: Engage in a fun full-body workout with jumping jacks, kicks, and other movements, benefiting joint health.

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4. Pool Swimming: Use different strokes like freestyle and backstroke for an overall body workout and calorie burning.

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5. Treading Water: Keep your heart rate up and work your core and legs by staying afloat with circular arm and leg movements.

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6. Water Resistance Exercises: Add intensity with resistance equipment like dumbbells or bands, targeting various muscle groups.

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7. Aqua Jogging with Flotation Belt: Mimic land jogging using a flotation belt to work legs, core, and burn calories effectively.

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