8 Costco Foods That Make Members Lose All Self-Control

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1. Chocolate Covered Almonds: Sweet chocolate coating over crunchy almonds is irresistible for many.

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2. Cheesecake: Oversized, creamy Costco cheesecakes often lead to overeating.

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3. Tortilla Chips: Costco's large bags of organic tortilla chips encourage mindless snacking.

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4. Bakery Muffins: Huge muffins in various flavors are hard to resist consuming in one go.

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5. Trail Mix: Mix of nuts, fruit, and chocolate is easy to keep munching on.

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6. Bacon: Bulk bacon packages make it easy to use more than intended.

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7. Pizzas: Large, affordable pizzas can lead to consuming more slices than planned.

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8. Ice Cream: Generous portions of flavorful ice cream can be too tempting to stop.

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