8 Food Items To Avoid Before Bedtime

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1. Caffeine-Rich Foods: Coffee, tea, and chocolate can disrupt sleep due to their stimulating effects.

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2. Spicy Foods: Spices can lead to heartburn and discomfort, affecting sleep quality.

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3. Greasy and Fried Foods: High-fat foods take longer to digest and may cause discomfort while lying down.

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4. Heavy Meals: Large meals close to bedtime can lead to indigestion and discomfort.

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5. Sugary Treats: Sugar can cause energy spikes and crashes, disrupting sleep patterns.

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6. Acidic Foods: Citrus fruits and acidic foods can trigger acid reflux, interfering with sleep.

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7. Alcohol: While it might induce drowsiness, alcohol can lead to fragmented sleep and dehydration.

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8. Fluid-Rich Foods: Foods high in water content can lead to nighttime bathroom trips, disrupting sleep.

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