Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft lands on moon in 'victory cry' of new India

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Indian spacecraft's moon landing boosts lunar exploration and India's space stature; Russia's recent failure contrasts.

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PM Modi's celebratory gesture during BRICS summit in South Africa; aims to stimulate private space investment.

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ISRO chief's announcement: "India is on the moon," as Chandrayaan-3 lands on lunar south pole.

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Second moon landing attempt after Chandrayaan-2's lander crash in 2019; Chandrayaan-3 to conduct experiments.

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Difficult south pole landing historic; ice discovery significant for future missions' fuel and water supply.

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Nationwide anticipation, prayers, and celebrations as India holds its breath for successful landing.

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Cultural and religious places of worship offer prayers for mission success across the country.

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Minister Puri underscores India's progress in science, technology, and economics through the mission.

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