The best probiotic-rich foods and how to eat them, according to an RD

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1. Yogurt: Choose plain, unsweetened yogurt with live cultures and enjoy as a snack or mix into smoothies.

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2. Kimchi: Add this spicy fermented cabbage to salads or as a side dish for a flavorful probiotic boost.

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3. Kombucha: Sip on this fizzy drink for a refreshing and probiotic-rich alternative to sugary beverages.

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4. Sauerkraut: Top sandwiches or grilled foods with sauerkraut to introduce beneficial bacteria to your diet.

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5. Miso: Incorporate miso paste into soups or marinades for an umami-rich source of probiotics.

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6. Tempeh: Grill or sauté tempeh as a meat substitute for a hearty dose of probiotics and plant-based protein.

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7. Pickles: Opt for naturally fermented pickles, not vinegar-based, to enhance gut health while enjoying a crunchy snack.

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8. Kefir: Drink kefir as a probiotic-rich smoothie base or pour over cereal for a tangy twist to your breakfast routine.

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