What Do You Understand by People as Resource?

What Do You Understand by People as Resource?

When we talk about resources, we often think of things like water, minerals, or money. But there’s another incredibly important resource that sometimes gets overlooked: people. Yes, people themselves can be a resource. This idea is known as “people as a resource.”

But what do you understand by people as resource? Let’s dive in and understand this concept in simple terms.

What Do You Understand by People as Resource?

The term “people as a resource” refers to the idea that people can be valuable assets to a community, organization, or nation. Just like how we use natural resources to produce goods and services, we can use human resources—our skills, knowledge, and abilities—to create value. When people are educated, healthy, and skilled, they can contribute greatly to the economy and society.

Think about it this way: a country with a lot of gold is considered wealthy because gold can be used to make jewelry, electronics, and other valuable items. Similarly, a country with a well-educated and skilled population is also wealthy, even if it doesn’t have a lot of natural resources. This is because its people can work in various industries, innovate, and drive economic growth.

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Education: A Key Aspect

Education plays a crucial role in transforming people into valuable resources. When people receive quality education, they acquire knowledge and skills that make them capable of performing different tasks. They can become doctors, engineers, teachers, artists, and so on. Educated people are more likely to find good jobs, earn higher incomes, and contribute positively to society.

For example, consider two countries. Country A invests heavily in education, ensuring that all children go to school and receive quality education. Country B, on the other hand, does not prioritize education, and many children do not attend school. Over time, Country A will have a workforce that is more skilled and knowledgeable, leading to better job opportunities and economic growth. Country B, however, may struggle with unemployment and slow economic progress because its people lack the necessary skills and knowledge.

Health: Another Important Factor

Just like education, health is another critical factor that determines how valuable people can be as a resource. Healthy people can work efficiently and effectively, while unhealthy people may struggle to perform even basic tasks. When a nation invests in healthcare, ensuring that its citizens are healthy, it is essentially investing in its human resources.

For instance, a healthy worker can work longer hours, be more productive, and contribute more to their workplace and economy. On the other hand, a worker who is frequently ill may miss work, be less productive, and contribute less. Thus, good health is essential for maximizing the potential of people as a resource.

Skills and Training

In addition to education and health, skills and training are also vital in turning people into valuable resources. Skills can be learned through formal education, vocational training, or on-the-job experience. When people have the right skills, they can perform tasks more efficiently and effectively, which benefits both them and their employers.

For example, a company that invests in training its employees in new technologies will likely see improved performance and productivity. The employees, in turn, gain new skills that make them more valuable in the job market. This creates a win-win situation where both the company and the employees benefit.

The Role of Government

Governments play a significant role in developing people as a resource. By investing in education, healthcare, and skill development programs, governments can help their citizens become more productive and valuable. Policies that support free or affordable education, accessible healthcare, and vocational training can make a big difference in a country’s development.

For example, many countries offer scholarships, free healthcare services, and vocational training programs to help their citizens improve their skills and health. These initiatives can help reduce poverty, create job opportunities, and drive economic growth.

The Benefits of Viewing People as a Resource

When we start viewing people as a resource, we begin to see numerous benefits for society. Here are a few key advantages:

  1. Economic Growth: Educated, healthy, and skilled people can contribute to economic growth by working in various industries, starting businesses, and driving innovation.
  2. Improved Quality of Life: When people have access to education, healthcare, and training, they can secure better jobs, earn higher incomes, and enjoy a better quality of life.
  3. Social Development: Educated and healthy people are more likely to participate in community activities, volunteer, and contribute positively to society.
  4. Reduced Inequality: Investments in education and healthcare can help reduce social and economic inequalities, providing everyone with equal opportunities to succeed.
  5. Sustainable Development: A well-educated and healthy population can make better decisions regarding the use of natural resources, leading to more sustainable development.

Challenges in Developing People as a Resource

While the benefits of viewing people as a resource are clear, there are several challenges that countries may face in this process. Some of these challenges include:

  1. Lack of Access to Education: In many parts of the world, access to quality education is still limited. Children, especially in rural areas, may not have schools nearby or may need to work to support their families instead of attending school.
  2. Poor Healthcare Systems: Inadequate healthcare services can prevent people from staying healthy and productive. Many countries struggle with limited healthcare infrastructure and resources.
  3. Economic Barriers: Poverty can be a significant barrier to education and healthcare. Families with limited financial resources may not be able to afford school fees, medical bills, or vocational training programs.
  4. Political Instability: In regions with political instability or conflict, it can be challenging to provide consistent education and healthcare services. People in these areas may also face additional stress and trauma, impacting their ability to learn and work.
  5. Cultural Barriers: In some cultures, there may be barriers to education and healthcare, especially for women and girls. Cultural norms and traditions can sometimes limit opportunities for certain groups of people.

Overcoming the Challenges

Despite these challenges, there are ways to overcome them and develop people as a resource effectively. Here are a few strategies:

  1. Investing in Infrastructure: Building more schools, hospitals, and training centers can help improve access to education and healthcare.
  2. Providing Financial Support: Scholarships, grants, and affordable healthcare services can make education and healthcare more accessible to those in need.
  3. Promoting Gender Equality: Encouraging equal opportunities for all, regardless of gender, can help ensure that everyone can contribute to society.
  4. Strengthening Governance: Stable and transparent governance can create an environment where education and healthcare can thrive.
  5. International Cooperation: Working with international organizations and other countries can bring in additional resources and expertise to improve education and healthcare systems.

Also read: How Does Education Contribute to Community Development


In conclusion, viewing people as a resource is a powerful concept that highlights the importance of investing in human capital. By ensuring that people have access to quality education, healthcare, and skills training, we can unlock their potential and drive economic and social development. While there are challenges to overcome, the benefits of developing people as a resource are immense, leading to a more prosperous, equitable, and sustainable future for all.

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