10 BEST Human Foods for Dogs

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1. Lean Meat: Cooked chicken, turkey, or lean beef (without seasoning) are protein-rich options.

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2. Carrots: A low-calorie and crunchy treat that's good for their teeth.

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3. Broccoli: High in fiber and vitamin C, but should be given in small amounts.

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4. Sweet Potatoes: A nutritious source of vitamins and fiber when cooked and plain.

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5. Blueberries: Packed with antioxidants and a tasty treat for most dogs.

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6. Pumpkin: Helps with digestion and provides vitamins and fiber.

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7. Plain Greek Yogurt: A probiotic-rich option that can be beneficial in moderation.

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8. Oatmeal: A source of fiber and can be soothing for upset stomachs.

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9. Salmon: A great source of omega-3 fatty acids when cooked and boneless.

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10. Apples: Remove seeds and core; apples offer vitamins and fiber.

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