8 Foods Everyone Over 50 Should Eat for Serious Weight Loss

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1. Lean Protein: Incorporate sources like chicken, fish, and beans to support muscle preservation during weight loss.

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2. Leafy Greens: Opt for nutrient-rich veggies like spinach and kale to aid digestion and boost metabolism.

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3. Whole Grains: Choose options like quinoa and brown rice for sustained energy and better digestion.

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4. Berries: Enjoy antioxidant-packed fruits like blueberries and strawberries for flavor and health benefits.

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5. Nuts and Seeds: Snack on almonds, chia seeds, or walnuts for healthy fats and satiety.

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6. Greek Yogurt: Include probiotic-rich yogurt to promote gut health and enhance weight loss efforts.

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7. Lean Dairy: Opt for low-fat dairy products to support bone health and maintain a balanced diet.

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8. Fatty Fish: Integrate salmon or sardines for omega-3 fatty acids that aid in weight loss and heart health.

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